Monday, June 23, 2014

Gravity, you are not my friend.

Gravity has been plotting against me lately.
I don't know if you remember an earlier blog post about dropping things more consistently-- like my fork, my bag, and my new favorite, ice cubes-- but it has increased tenfold. My hands just seem to think they have a firm hold on something... But they don't. I dropped an entire fourth of a watermelon on the floor the other week. And this morning had a close call with a dozen eggs. Thank goodness somehow I held onto those.
I am officially in my third trimester today. It's the beginning of week 28 and we could quite possibly have a baby Mini on the outside in a matter of ten weeks.
*insert breathing sounds here* HEE HEE HOOOOOO! HEE HEE HOOOOOO!
...Ok, I'm fine now.
Another way gravity is not exactly my bestie lately is getting out of a sitting position. Especially when I'm nice and snuggled down in the couch. Man, that thing is hard to get up out of! And, having to think about the "right" way to get up to not irritate my abdominal wall, I have to use my brain too. What is this, pregnancy school? Ha.
The last and final proof that gravity hates me has showed up in ballet class. I used to be a good jumper. That was one of my better skills-- I'd use my leg and core muscles to achieve that "floaty" quality at the top of a jump or leap. Yeah, that's pretty much gone. I'm happy if I get more than an inch off the ground. But at least I'm still doing it, right? Right.
It will be interesting to have my body back after Mini gets here. I'm looking forward to floating at the top of a jump, getting up off the couch in a nanosecond if I wanted to, and not dropping random fruit all over my kitchen floor.
And mojitos. Yeah... Mojitos.

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