Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The deactivation has begun...

This morning I de-activated my Facebook account. Yes I agree, it is very ironic that I am BLOGGING about taking a break from this social media site... And so it goes.
I love to communicate with words. For me, blogging more is going to be a great way to expand on my thoughts and experiences, compared to the 2-3 sentence status update... I am even thinking of keeping a journal of "status updates" that only I can see. It feels strange even now (an hour into my Facebook deactivation) to not share about my new haircut and color (red!), what I am doing, how my beautiful friend called me this morning and how much I loved that, etc etc with all of my friends and the world. But I really think this is going to be a great thing for my soul. Exorbitant amounts of time online can kill a soul, I've found.
I don't intend for this to be permanent, of course. I do love Facebook. But I don't exactly know how long I need away. I guess I'll have to settle for not knowing.


Bianca said...

Good luck! I went 14 months without Facebook :)

Jeff Horgan said...

Have fun. I sure will miss your statuses, but I know we will meet again.

Gina said...

Thank you guys :). As far as I know it's temporary, but I am sure enjoying this blogging thing... So we'll see...