Thursday, June 16, 2011

I smell pretty... I smell pretty...

Some things require you be a girl to be excited about. I recently decided to spend my birthday money on perfume. Why you ask? Because I never spend more than ten dollars on any sort of nice-smelling product and I thought, "Why not spend it on something totally frilly that I'd never get to buy otherwise." And yes, I have always been a bit dissatisfied with the amount of time the scent of lotion/body spray/etc lasted on my body, and I assume the more expensive kind lasts longer. This decision also places me squarely in the "grown up" category-- the "I spent more than ten dollars on perfume" section of women.
It fascinates me to ponder the differences between my women friends: Some are so girly they seem to have a pink aura floating about them 24/7. Some others refuse to wear makeup at all. As far as where I land between the two extremes, I am definitely more on the girly side. Especially since living in Italy about 8 years ago. There are very few tomboy-ish women in that culture, and the ones you see there are most likely Americans who haven't figured out yet that baggy t-shirts are a no-go there. I think I brought more than ten BIG shirts in country with me-- and I left with one. Maybe two.
Enough rabbit trail for now... And by the way, this is in no way an advertisement for Clinique. In fact if you went looking for this particular product I am about to describe, you won't find it because it is a spring season product and everyone is sold out. I barely found this one online. But here it is:

"Happy in Bloom"-- it is just flowery enough to not be overpowering, and not too powdery. It makes me feel prettier when I wear it. And that is why I place myself more on the "girly" side of the continuum. I like being a girl... How about you girls out there? Where do you land on the "girly" continuum?

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