Monday, June 6, 2011

Twitter and Donut Holes

Twitter is a fascinating little society. At first when I heard about it, I thought, "An entire site dedicated to (short) update statuses? What is the point?"
And now, after personally joining myself, I have found that yes, it is true. It is a site mostly concocted of short blurbs and updates. What is the point then?...
Twitter gets straight to the point. It gives you all you need to know in your ten minute coffee break at work, and if you want to check out the person's/company's/etc's website for more research later when you get home, you can. It's like a donut hole or a mini can of Coke. If you don't have much time for a WHOLE donut, this is your site. I have found it is totally worth joining Twitter just to follow funny people like Conan O'Brien or Jim Gaffigan, who daily share hilarious little one line zingers. And if you start following someone and find out they are more interesting than you anticipated... Bonus! Then you can go get a dozen donuts of the same flavor at Krispy Kreme. Mmmmm... Krispy Kreme...
And that's why I like Twitter. And (here goes my plug) this is why, if you are at all interested in the dance/live music/original film/art world in the Denver Metro area, you should check out and follow DelusionsofGrandeur (DenverDelusions) on Twitter. You'll get bite sized updates about what's going on and keep up on the important stuff. The only other thing I am going to say about Delusions (about which I've said lots more in preceding blog posts, if you decide you're hungry for the whole donut :) ) is that it was the artistic highlight of my dance year last summer and it is already the highlight of my dance year this year. Which is saying quite a lot considering we've only had about four rehearsals so far... Oh, and if you really want to know more and go for the whole boxed dozen...
*gets down off Twitter soapbox, gets into car, drives to Krispy Kreme*

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