Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We are here! And Oscar lives!

After a long trip (about 30 hours on the road with Stella, Lane, Charles, and the amazing Oscar-the-fish) we are finally here in Colorado. We were blessed with five strong guys helping us move all our boxes and furniture into our cute apartment on Saturday morning (thanks Chris D., Chris P., Micah, Matt, and Dave (my dad!)). We are a little less surrounded by boxes today but still have some unpacking to do. We were also blessed to have the company of my dad until this morning, who helped us settle in.
Top story of the week: Stella (our cat) got ahold of Oscar, our betta fish on Sunday morning. Casey found him on the bathroom counter bleeding :( and immediately scooped him back into his home. With advice from a wise worker at Petsmart, we changed his water and put four drops of medicine in the bowl that was supposed to heal fish wounds. I texted people asking for prayer because he was bleeding so much and we waited to see if he would make it. Well, today is Tuesday and he is still hanging on! He is a little weak, but who wouldn't be after bleeding so much! He gets the Toughest Fish in the World Award! Thanks for your prayers :).
More to come on our new home with pictures as we get settled in. We miss everyone in Oregon so much. We send many hugs and kisses to those we had to say goodbye to.

1 comment:

Andrea Rooks said...

Happy house warming! I hope you're enjoying your new home... and I'm glad your pets all have survived the first few hours! I can't wait to hear more about your new digs... I'll call you soon
love you