What's the deal with the time whizzing by, it's less than two weeks away from Christmas!!! It is getting a little chilly too. We hit a record low of -4 here in Denver last night. Yikes!
We just got our tree up, a tiny one that fits perfectly into our apartment. It is super cute and making our place so cozy. We went to the local supermarket to find it:
I (Gina) am back from tour and about to embark on Nutcracker madness. We open at Lakewood Cultural Center December 18th-23rd. Tickets are already selling out so if you want to come you can call them and order tickets or do it online. I enjoyed the tours, it was a great thing to get some shows in before we open on the big stage here in town. I got to know my co-workers better (how could I not, with hours upon hours in a 15 passenger van?) which was really fun. It really is a privilege to do what I do for a job, even though it can be physically tiring. We got great reviews from all three of the places we performed which is a great feeling as well.
During the tours I missed Casey a lot, so it is nice to be back together and doing Christmas-y things together like Christmas shop and decorate our tree and bake Christmas cookies :).
Here's the bad news: Casey is sick again and on antibiotics :(, prayers are appreciated (for him as well as for me, that I won't get sick for the shows)! Also, it seems God is taking us on His own journey for us at the moment as far as employment goes for him. Please keep praying for that as well. In this economy it seems everyone is struggling to find work. We both know He will continue to provide for all our needs regardless, and I can see how He is working in both of our hearts through this hard circumstance, but it would be great for Casey to find something he likes to do soon.
Love to everyone and we hope you are having a wonderful, joyful, cozy Christmas season so far.