Monday, April 16, 2012

Confessions of a Deactivated Facebooker: More.

Confession: Today I am missing Facebook more than usual.

Specifically I am missing the conversations that happened directly underneath my status updates. I am missing the instant gratification of hearing what my friends think about something funny or touching or mundane that just happened in my life.

But I'm holding strong: I am looking for more. More of my real world conversations, more of my silent reflections with God, more of digging deeper inside of myself and hearing my heart's reactions regarding my life circumstances lately. This is the reason I took a break and I am not going to give in to the temporary urges to reactivate today.

Question of the day for you: What do you want more of today?


Anonymous said...

Today for me turned out surprisingly well. As for more of something...more room for caloric intake :D :D

Love ya my dear!

Gina said...

MMmmmmmmm... Calories :).
Love you too.

thatguycliff's blog said...

Sometimes, stillness and quiet are hard things to live. Keep up the good work!

Gina said...

Cliff, totally agree. I am so not good at them and have to be forced to practice these things.